Cherry Fruits- One of the best Healthy fruits in 2023

About Cherry Fruits

Cherry add flavor to any dish. A stone fruit of the genus Prunus, the cherry has been a popular food for thousands of years. A favorite fruit among the ancient Greeks and Romans, historical records show that cherries arrived in North America as early as the 17th century.

Cherry, any of the various trees of the Prunus (family Rosaceae) and their edible fruit. Trade includes sour cherries (Prunus cerasus), which are frozen or canned and used in sauces and spices, and sweet cherries (P. avium), which is very edible and is the type preserved in the best maraschino liqueur.

Many species are planted as ornamentals for their spring flowers, and the red wood of some cherry varieties is especially useful for making beautiful furniture. Many types of cherries come from the northern regions. Some 10-12 species are known in North America and a similar number in Europe. However, the largest of the species, seems to be in East Asia.

It is thought that the original habitat of the species from which the cherry is derived is in Western Asia and Eastern Europe, from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans. Cherries are grown in all parts of the world where winter temperatures are not extreme and summer temperatures are moderate. They need winter to bloom and spring. The trees bloom in early spring, after the peach trees and before the apple trees.

Varieties of Cherry

Sweet cherries are the most common variety in the market. They have a large, rich, almost plum-like shape. Sweet cherries grow in hardiness zones 5 to 7; they are not good on their own and are good for orchards or large gardens. You will need at least two or three plants, because they will want to pollinate each other. If space is limited, consider the self-pollinating dwarf variety ‘Stella’.

Sour cherries are not commonly eaten, but are used for preserves and other desserts. Tart cherries are smaller than sweet cherries and all varieties produce themselves. They grow in zones 4 to 6. Cherry trees usually begin to bear fruit in the fourth year; Dwarf plants bear fruit a year earlier.

A mature tart or sweet cherry tree will produce 30 to 50 cherries per year; dwarf plant, about 10 to 15 pints. Plant cherry trees in early spring or fall (when the soil is soft and has a high content) in a sunny site with good ventilation and deep, moist soil. fire. Add mulch and water well. After flowering and the year of the fruit, you will need to plant the tree with a wildlife net to protect the fruit from the birds.

Good conditions for cherry trees

Temperature Requirements

Like other fruit trees, including apples, pears and peach trees, cherry trees need several winter nights to produce maximum fruit. Sweet cherry varieties need about 700 to 900 hours of cool or hot temperatures of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or less.

On the California coast, total cooling hours range from 100 to 900 hours, while areas near the ocean experience less cooling time. Some sweet fruits, ‘Minnie Royal’ and ‘Royal Lee,’ require less winter than the popular Bing cherry. ‘English Morelo,’ a variety of cherry, also requires less cold exposure than the sweet variety, which has a good 400 to 700 hours.

Nutrient and Pest Management

Cherry trees generally require very little fertilizer, advises the University of Minnesota Extension. Of course, like all other plants, cherry trees need certain nutritional conditions to thrive. If your cherry tree is starting to look weak, nitrogen fertilizer can help restore its health and promote healthy growth. For the best results, see the famous instantaneous company for the lower test to determine the necessary needs.

The pest is also important in adolescence, and so much time in the flower. Use winter-dormant oils to control numbers, advises The California Backyard Orchard of the University of California. Use netting to protect the trees from birds that may eat the growing cherries. Protect trees from bark-eating rodents in winter by protecting the trunk with wire.

Health Advantages

Can Reduce blood pressure

Research by the British Journal of Nutrition found that a mixture of cherry and berry juice can help reduce blood pressure due to the high content of polyphenols, natural plant compounds with health benefits.

Another study looking at cherry juice alone reported benefits for high blood pressure and cholesterol control.

Can improve recovery after surgery

Much research has been done on cherries, and specifically tart cherries, and the role they can play in exercise and post-exercise recovery. A study by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that drinking tart cherry juice (355ml) seven days before and during a hard run reduced skin inflammation after the run.

Another small study found that tart cherry juice appears to help recovery and muscle function after intense exercise. However, these effects seem to be related to weight-bearing activities, and those who do light-weight exercises, such as water polo, will not be able to get the same benefits.

Can help gout sufferers

There has been research on the effects of cherry juice on gout. One study showed that eating cherries and cherry juice within two days was associated with a lower risk of gout attacks, while another study showed that cherry juice should be consumed for at least four months to reduce a big fight.

Another searches indicate that a charm of Cherry is reducing the Uric acid (that can increase the attacks) and volunteer volunteers. However, these results have not appeared in the larger results that are visible to the participants and gout. Meanwhile, more research is needed before it can be said that cherry juice prevents or reduces gout.

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